Tuesday, April 25, 2006

VS2005 launch

I've had some of the first things come together for the visual studio launch. I have been running around about mainly because this is the first presentation that I am making so I am not too sure about everything that needs to be done and mistake that seem trivial to others I've had some problems. Firstly securing some computers - Bernard however said that I can get some from MS.

so far I have the following things ready
-> Computers ( thanks to Bernad and a couple I have dug up)
-> VS2005 Kit (got it a while back)
-> Speaker
-> Tenative plan on what needs to be done

what needs to be done
-> Confirm Date
-> Book room ( based on above)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Ive started to think about what activities i want to hold and to be a part of on MS behalf in UNSW. There are several traditional ones that have constant involvement since i started being a student at the university and others that i can get involved in. These involve some of the following
- Trivia
- BBQs
- Game nights
- computer game competitions.

The BBQs that are being held would only be usefully if they are close to the .Net 2.0 launch that i am still in the planning stages of organizing. Others like trivia i have contacted the relevant students and have plans at differing stages with them.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I have began conversing with some of the student societies about the events that they are holding. This at this point involves SESOC, COMPSOC and CSE revue. Currently Sesoc and Compsoc are just hosting some smaller events and their requests for prizes is really nothing too big to deal with however CSE revue brings a bit of a problem.

Just a little background on them they are the biggest society in CSE and they have from the very beginning received considerable sponsorship from Microsoft. The amounts that they are talking about is a bit out of the range of give aways that I am allowed to authorize, so I helping them with ideas about a proposal to Bernard and anyone else at MS who needs to be involved in this.

Currently I have them thinking about getting the development that is required for the show to be moved to a .Net 2.0 platform, in C# or C++. The main benefit of this is that it will get the some of the best students in CSE involved in some pretty complex .Net development and also to start the conversion to .Net for all future projects. The long term aim would be to migrate everything that is currently built to .Net but this would require considerable support and "hand holding".

The best case option would be the development of .Net student community

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ive spent the last couple of days getting in contact will all the computer related societies. That hasn't been much of a problem except for one of them. WIC or women in computing is on the official list of CSE ( school of computer science and engineering societies) but no-one including the female students that i have asked know who is the head of society. My current course of action it to send and email to the exec and hope for the best.

The main official societies of UNSW that are affiliated to CSE are :

BINFsoc COMPSOC CSE Revue SESOC Women In Computing

There a couple of smaller ones that are not related directly to CSE but do have some involvement, eg game development society. Ill start contacting the small semi CSE related societies in the next couple of days.

Pictures "borrowed" from www.cse.unsw.edu.au

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I Spent some time putting up poster for the imagine cup and i didn't think that it would be so difficult to organize something like putting up posters. Our school is extremely strict on where you can put up posters going to such and extreme as fining people!

As you can all see that there really aren't many pictures and the quality really has something to look for, well i learnt that lighting does have something to so with taking pictures. There were more posters but the photos didn't come out